
The perfect match between modern and classic.

The Doge collection offers a range of finely woven rugs and carpets featuring a combination of two totally different styles: modern and classic. The colours that make up the collection’s different patterns are carefully adapted to match the latest trends in contemporary design. With a rug or carpet from the Doge collection, you will be able to have the perfect combination between a classic and modern style in order to create unique and distinctive settings.

Look at our catalogue or ask for your custom rug!

The standard sizes available are: 170×240 – 200×300 – 250×350 – 300×400.

It is also possible to create customised rugs and carpets in terms of size, colours and patterns.

Discover all the versions of Doge collection!
Interior solution, Carrara
From the very first contacts with Sartori firm we have been immediately struck by its precision, reliability and willingness. And by the very high quality products of its lines. Providing the service of showing us its rugs at home is very useful to us: it allows us to make our customers choose the perfect product for their home without the risk of choosing it at store without the chance of assessing the way it suits their home. We are very glad we have chosen this collaboration.
Movalli interior design
We are very glad on being on good terms with Sartori firm for such a long time. The wide range of its products, its care for research and innovation and, what is more, willingness, quickness and quality of its services cement a relationship that allows us to work in this sector by trusting on extraordinary commitment and constant customer service of qualified professionals in technical and business matters.
Armando D.D.
Architect and interior designer
Great ability to create personalized rugs of all kinds, constant willingness to do the required changes and precision as for dates of delivery. Our customers are very glad and pleased: it is a firm you can trust on.

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Find the perfect solution to your demands.

How can you choose the perfect rug to enrich your room? Read all our interior designers’ suggestions and discover the techniques used by architects to furnish your home with style.